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Your support goes directly toward providing spiritual guidance, nutrition, and education to the impoverished people of Nicaragua who are in desperate need. By providing food for the elderly as well as families with young children, you are doing God's work. Many young children will be needed to help their families financially, requiring they give up education. Your donation means a child may be able to stay in school.
Read more about Nicaragua's poverty.

One-time donations are used to cover operational expenses, fees, supplies, and other costs that are accrued during various projects and missions trips. 100% of all donations are used to help the people of Nicaragua.

H-I-S recently began a child sponsorship program. Many children in Nicaragua are forced to stay home before they reach the 5th grade. Your monthly donation will ensure a child stays in school and breaks the cycle of poverty.

Feeding families.

Another way to help is by giving a one-time donation of $44 to feed a family of 4 for an entire month. Your donation means a family will not need to wonder where their next meal is coming from.

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